Thursday, May 15, 2008
~ { 12:41 AM }
reflections @ 12:41 AM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
就職が決めた!やった! 日本の会社だけど、多分皆知らないと思うよ。 仕事は最初6月間シンガポールで会社のことと違う部門がやることを習って、後日本で1、2年間働くかもしれない。 ちょっと緊張しているだけど、うれしいです! 6月9日が始めます! その前、スペインに行く!I found a job! Yay!It's a Japanese company. But I don't think anyone will know it.'s in the printing industry.I'll be training in Singapore for the first 6 months, and may get the chance to go Japan for about a year or 2 to work and for further training. Kinda nervous, but am very glad and happy that I found a job that I seem to like. (I'll know when I really start working. It seems interesting on paper. lol.)Will be starting on June 9th. Yay! Soon...I'll be joining the working society. Very soon.But before Spain! =)
~ { 1:03 AM }
reflections @ 1:03 AM